How to Use Drip Marketing to Increase Conversions

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Engagement emails

Often triggered by website engagement, these emails are meant to keep leads active. They may include a special offer or reminders to complete their shopping process. As a result, they can demonstrate the legitimacy of the organization and increase the chances of a conversion.

Drip marketing allows marketers to create an email campaign based on certain stages in the customer lifecycle. It can be used to introduce new features, educate customers about the benefits of a particular product, or renew subscriptions. The process saves time and resources, and increases brand recall. These emails also build trust between the brand and the prospect.

The principles of converting are universal, and these emails can be created based on specific customer personas. Using personas, you can make sure that your emails are relevant to each individual customer. Your emails should have content that appeals to the reader and the product that they are interested in. You can create different segments based on customer attributes, such as age, gender, or purchasing stage. The best part is that the process is scalable. You can A/B test your flows, and it’s easy to connect with 30+ lead gen tools.

For example, Jeanswest, Australia’s leading fashion brand, had been stuck in a cycle of regular email campaigns. They knew that they needed to take a more dynamic approach. They decided to switch to a highly targeted drip campaign. They were able to improve their open rates, click-through rates, and ROI by creating multiple customer segments. Those customer segments were based on buying patterns, demographics, and feedback. The company was able to customize their emails for each segment, which increased their ROI by more than 400 percent.

Another example of a low-touch lead is a resource download. These emails can be designed to educate customers on the use of a specific product. You can provide a six-week interactive course that teaches your audience how to get the most out of your product. This is a great way to keep your subscribers engaged while they learn more about your products. This type of campaign has a high open rate and a higher ROI than other types of emails.

You can also create a re-engagement campaign for inactive subscribers. These emails are meant to encourage a return to the organization. They can be triggered by certain actions, such as a customer re-activating their account or not completing the purchase process. These campaigns can be based on the customer’s activity on your website or the number of pages they visit. You can also send a re-engagement email after a breakup or other event that made the subscriber unengaged. These campaigns are designed to re-engage and remind customers of the reasons why they should continue to be a part of your organization. These emails can be designed to include eye-catching graphics and attractive incentives, like free samples, coupons, or special offers.

When creating your drip emails, it is important to consider how you can personalize them to the reader. You can add contact information, such as first name and address. You can also include a link to the customer’s account or website to further engage the reader. The information you put into these emails can be a good balance between asking for a sale and providing value.

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  • Walter Acosta

    Walter Acosta is a blogger. His primary interests are in digital marketing and content creation and curation. Acosta Walter

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About the Author: Walter Acosta

Walter Acosta is a blogger. His primary interests are in digital marketing and content creation and curation.