How to Deploy an Effective Online Reputation Management Strategy?

So how can businesses utilize online platforms to build or improve their reputation?

Through Online Reputation Management.

ORM helps in promoting a brand’s positive image on the internet, and user reviews are an integral part of this process. Reports confirm that almost 92% of customers refrain from using a business that has negative online reviews.

In this blog post, we will see what online reputation management is, the strategies to initiate it, and check out a few ORM tools.

Let’s dive in.

What is Online Reputation Management?

Online reputation management refers to actively monitoring a brand or individual’s online reputation and creating an authentic and positive profile.

Reputation management utilizes various tools to prevent any damage or solve issues concerning a business or individual’s online image.

ORM aims to promote credibility by addressing or responding to false or negative claims and promoting a positive image across the web.

Why is ORM Essential for Businesses?

So far, we’ve discussed what reputation management means; but how does it benefit businesses? Let’s take a look.

1. Helps in Impacting Purchase Decisions

Let’s look at the stats first. 85% of customers admit to trusting online reviews as much as taking personal recommendations. In fact, they read at least seven user reviews before trusting a brand.

For customers, the internet is their preferred source of information. A single negative review could stop a potential lead from making a purchase.

2. Builds a Trustworthy Image

No business is exempt from getting negative reviews. What matters is how businesses respond to the feedback and win the customer back.

Adopting ORM strategies can result in improving brand loyalty. You can get quick alerts about any negative comments by setting up alerts.

3. Boosts Brand Visibility

When your audience takes the time to post reviews on search engines and talk about your business on social networks, your brand’s visibility will improve.

Numbers prove that 45% of customers share their positive interaction when a business responds well to their online complaints.

You can re-share these testimonials and acknowledge your audience’s efforts in promoting your business.

4. Helps Generate Business Insights

You can utilize ORM reports to figure out how you can improve your business and plan ahead. Actively monitoring the reviews can provide valuable insights into your audience’s preference as well.

Businesses can invest in ORM tools and get detailed information about their PageRank, review volume, and conversion rates.

Online Reputation Management Strategies You can Deploy

1. Monitor Your Brand’s Mentions

It’s vital for brands to keep track of their mention on search engines and social platforms. You can see how people are responding to your brand in real-time and respond accordingly.

This key step allows you to take the lead right from the start. Check review sites like Yelp and sign up for Google alerts to be notified of your business mentions.

2. Encourage Online Reviews

Invite your audience to leave feedback by sending surveys or setting up polls on social media. You can create a customized hashtag to encourage user-generated content.

Look at this poll created by The muse, a job searching portal, to interact with their audience by asking an engaging work-place question.

Encourage Online Reviews

More importantly, focus on delivering a great buying experience so that your audience doesn’t need any extra encouragement to share their reviews.

Similarly, you can encourage your audience on Facebook to leave their feedback by enabling “Reviews” on your Facebook page. If they have a good experience with your brand, they’ll recommend it and leave a positive review.

post reviews

Managing a large number of incoming Facebook reviews is as vital as complex. It can damage your reputation if you aren’t replying to audience feedback proactively.

SocialPilot gives you an easy solution to manage reviews with its FB review management feature. You can see and reply to all the reviews received by your Facebook page in a single space in real-time. Accessing reviews of multiple pages without switching accounts or going to the native platform makes the ORM super-easier for marketers.

facebook review management

Start Your 14-day Trial

3. Promptly Respond to Your Audience

Have you wondered why people share their thoughts or concerns on your social media profile instead of reaching out to your support team? It means that they’re expecting a response on your social profile directly.

Don’t keep your audience waiting on a response. And don’t forget to personalize your messages and empathize with your audience.

4. Don’t Ignore Negative Comments

Negative user comments demand quick replies. Instead of deleting or ignoring a negative review, pay attention to the feedback and respond to the user.

For an error on your part, it’s best to own up and apologize along before resolving the user’s concern. Being transparent with your audience can go a long way in creating loyalty.


5. Make Optimum Use of Content Marketing

Content marketing isn’t just beneficial to increase your web traffic; you can also incorporate this in your ORM strategy.

When you start monitoring your audience’s responses, you can personalize your content to cater to the target demographic.

Basically, you’re giving your audience exactly what they need. Why would they have any complaints about that?

6. Analyze and Take Action

Your online audience will more than likely be vocal about their opinions. So why don’t you create an ORM strategy and take charge of your brand’s narrative?

Educate your audience about your brand’s mission. Pay attention to their feedback and implement the changes that will help in creating a better customer journey.

You can even use tools or software to monitor your brand’s online reputation. Browse through our list of ORM tools for more information.

6 Best ORM Tools and Software You Can Use

1. Google Alerts

Google Alerts are great for getting quick notifications for online brand mentions. Once you set up the alerts, you’ll get emails to proactively check what’s being said about your brand.

What’s more, is that this tool is beginner-friendly and doesn’t cost you a penny. You can decide the frequency of email alerts, select sources and regions to track, and even check competitor brand mentions.

Google Alerts

2. Reputation Defender

Reputation Defender is one of the best online reputation management profile defenders. This tool allows businesses to monitor and increase their reviews, suppress negative mentions, and promote authentic and positive feedback. The tool even allows you to utilize pre-made questionnaires or surveys to send to customers.

Reputation Defender

3. The Brand Grader

This quick and free tool gives you access to report about any brand’s online image. The tool finds conversations about your stated keyword and sends you the data via email. The Brand Grader’s report includes details like:

  1. Top sources talking about your brand
  2. Web influencers who have mentioned you
  3. Follower count of your social profiles
  4. The number of mentions received on blogs, forums, and websites
  5. Positive and negative brands mentions
Brand Grader

4. Reputology

Reputology is a trusted service that offers an analysis of audience sentiments, tracks online reviews 24/7, and lets you measure your ORM performance through stats and charts.

Their workflow allows you to see how your team is responding to online reviews. They offer location-based paid plans for businesses along with a free subscription trial to get started.


5. Podium

Podium is a powerful platform that allows brands to gather reviews from industry-specific sites along with Google. You can automate collecting user reviews from your audience and track ORM metrics.

They also have customizable templates and a mobile application that lets you respond to your audience on the go.


6. Brand24

Brand24 offers a limited free trial along with paid plans for brands to monitor their online presence. You get access to tools to check influence scores, customized alerts, and intuitive volume charts.

You can integrate Slack along with your social profiles and even monitor podcasts and newsletters.

Brand24 w-100

Of course, there are many other ORM tools that can offer various features. Create a strategy that fits your current online reputation, and you’ll find it easier to select the perfect ORM tool for your plan.

Are You Ready to Launch Your ORM Game Plan?

An online reputation strategy is vital to a brand’s marketing and growth plans. The best part is that managing your online reputation isn’t beyond your control.

Monitoring online feedback, offering excellent service, and engaging with your online audience can help in boosting your brand reputation.

Not only can a credible reputation boost sales, but it can also create a loyal audience base for your brand. So, use our tips and create an ORM plan that works for you.

Your online reviews can also affect your brand’s Google My Business listing. Use SocialPilot’s Google My Business Posts Scheduling to update your page and rank higher on search results.

And guess what? SocialPilot even offers a free 14-day trial on all their subscription plans.

Try it now!

The post How to Deploy an Effective Online Reputation Management Strategy? appeared first on SocialPilot.

By: Chandraveer Singh
Title: How to Deploy an Effective Online Reputation Management Strategy?
Sourced From:
Published Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2022 07:55:20 +0000

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  • Walter Acosta

    Walter Acosta is a blogger. His primary interests are in digital marketing and content creation and curation. Acosta Walter

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About the Author: Walter Acosta

Walter Acosta is a blogger. His primary interests are in digital marketing and content creation and curation.