5 Marketing Techniques For Small Businesses

Using marketing techniques can help you increase your sales and create a competitive advantage in the marketplace. By developing a comprehensive strategy you can focus your limited resources on the best opportunities in the market.

Guerilla marketing

Using guerilla marketing techniques is a great way to boost your sales. This form of marketing works best for small businesses because it’s low cost and requires little effort. However, there are certain things you need to remember.

The first thing you need to do is make sure your audience understands what your brand is about. You can do this by distributing flyers around town. These are often printed on bulk paper. They can be handed out door to door, car to car, or shop to shop.

Another great way to advertise your brand is to create special offers for a certain day. People will be excited to see a new promotion and they will want to come back. You can also offer free drinks or snacks. This is a way to get your customers to love your brand.

Another popular tactic is to create a mascot. You can hire a model to dress up and photograph people with your product. This is a great way to make your product memorable.

A great guerilla marketing technique involves viral marketing. This is when your brand message spreads like a virus. Once it is seen, it continues to spread without any guarantee.

It’s important to be creative when distributing your flyers. If you are not given permission to distribute them, you could be fined. You should also be sure to do this legally.

The key to a successful guerilla marketing campaign is to get your audience involved. You should also be able to measure your results. This is why it’s important to plan your campaigns ahead of time.

You should also consider whether you will be able to keep the audience for a long time. If you are running an Internet-based campaign, a computer can help you distribute your promotional content. You can also use forums and video streaming tools.

Contextual marketing

Using contextual marketing techniques can help you deliver the right message to the right person. It can also increase your chances of landing a profitable multi-product customer.

Basically, contextual marketing is the art of targeting specific customers with ads that are relevant to their interests. These ads may be based on user activity, location, or search terms.

It is estimated that contextual marketing will account for $420 billion in ad revenue by 2025. As such, marketers have to be careful to avoid damaging their brands.

Some common examples of contextual marketing are location-based offers and social media. Getting the most out of these methods can be a challenge. But, if you are using contextual marketing correctly, your efforts will pay off.

Having a clear understanding of your customers’ context has always been important. The latest advancements in mobile technology, however, have made it possible to gain an even deeper level of insight into their lives. Whether it is through cookies, GPS coordinates, or a smartphone’s ability to track user activity, companies are now able to identify the physical location of their customers.

The first step to implementing contextual marketing is to determine your target audience. Ideally, you should be able to know the identity and recent browsing behavior of your prospective customers.

The next step is to segment your audience. This can be done based on age, gender, job status, and background. You can then use this information to deliver the best possible product to each individual. You can even go so far as to offer them discounts in nearby stores.

In addition, you should use the most appropriate communication channel for each individual. This is especially important if you are dealing with a group of potential customers.


Using SEO marketing techniques is a good way to make Google pay attention to your website. It also helps to generate valuable traffic and improve the performance of your website.

When you want to boost your site’s rankings, you will need to utilize several different methods. For example, the proper use of keywords, content, and links will all help to improve your website’s rankings. But, the most effective way to increase the visibility of your site is to make use of the right SEO strategies.

While optimizing your website, it’s important to remember that you need to keep up to date with the latest trends and practices. For example, it is very important to maintain a proper track record of your visitors. This will help to determine how well your SEO strategy is performing. It will also allow you to know how to modify your website’s content to increase traffic.

Another SEO marketing technique is to follow related blogs. This is a great way to expand your network and create more connections. This will in turn create more exposure for your business.

Developing a solid website is a key part of any marketing campaign. You will need to ensure that your website is visually appealing and is search engine optimized. If you don’t have a top-performing site, you won’t get many visitors.

You need to have a well-written piece of content on your site. The content should be relevant to the keyword you are trying to rank for. It should be engaging, as well. This is especially true if you are trying to target a particular demographic.

The best SEO marketing techniques include a combination of on-page optimization and off-page optimization. On-page optimization involves improving the HTML, content, and architecture of your website. Off-page SEO, on the other hand, includes things like guest posting and identifying broken links.


Using word-of-mouth marketing techniques, you can encourage people to speak positively about your product or service. It’s important to understand that this type of marketing works best if you are able to engage with your customers. By engaging with your customers, you can build a community and promote your brand.

In a world where people are more distracted than ever, your company needs to provide opportunities for customers to share content. You may also want to offer incentives to get users to do this. Incentives can be paid once or over a period of time, depending on your business’ cash flow.

Another word-of-mouth marketing technique that can increase your brand’s awareness is offering samples. Some companies also set up referral rewards programs. Incentives can be paid for each new customer or the number of referrals. The more users that refer your company, the more exposure you will have.

Having a personalized URL makes sharing your content easy. You can also use a hashtag when posting photos or videos. For example, Wayfair’s Instagram page was inundated with user generated content. They encouraged customers to post pictures and home interiors that feature Wayfair products. They then reposted them on their own page.

Another simple word-of-mouth marketing technique is to encourage customers to post testimonials. This will allow other customers to read about the experience of others. They’ll also be more likely to purchase your products. The more people that have positive experiences with your company, the more trust they will have in you.

Word-of-mouth marketing techniques are more effective than traditional advertising methods. Almost 90% of people trust a recommendation from a friend. Getting the word out about your company can be easier than you think.

E-mail marketing

Whether you’re just getting started with email marketing or you’re looking to repurpose your existing campaigns, there are a number of techniques you can use to improve your results. These techniques will help you make the most of your efforts and drive your business forward.

First, you need to define your target audience. Once you know who you want to market to, you need to find out what interests them. This will help you to create emails that will be helpful to your target audience.

Another strategy to consider is segmenting your email lists. This will enable you to communicate with the right people at the right time. This allows you to avoid spending resources on subscribers who are not interested in your products or services.

You can also increase your open rate by writing compelling emails that speak to your audience. This includes using actionable language and power words. This will elicit curiosity and excitement, and it will be less likely to be ignored.

You should also make sure that your emails are mobile-friendly. Approximately 70% of all primary opens occur on mobile devices, so you need to make sure your emails are optimized for them.

You can do this by creating an email template with all the information you need. If you have a website, you may want to include links to your blog or longer documents. This will allow you to build brand awareness and provide customers with more information about your company.

You can also test your emails to see what works and what doesn’t. You can also create segmented lists based on factors such as the amount of time a person spends on your website.

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  • Walter Acosta

    Walter Acosta is a blogger. His primary interests are in digital marketing and content creation and curation.

    walter.acosta@yourwebenterprise.com Acosta Walter

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About the Author: Walter Acosta

Walter Acosta is a blogger. His primary interests are in digital marketing and content creation and curation.