AI Content Exposed: The Truth Behind AI Bots in 2023

AI Content Exposed: The Truth Behind AI Bots in 2023

AI-generated content may seem like the next big digital marketing trend, but it’s more like the next Napster, creating huge ripples in the marketing industry and generating a lot of controversies (and potential lawsuits). 

Although autogenerated content is riding a wave of popularity, consider the ethical implications of using AI generators to produce content for readers and customers. Where should marketers and content creators draw the line when honesty, morality, and people’s careers are on the line? And beyond that, if you want to produce content to increase traffic or get ranked on the SERPs, beware: Google is flagging down AI content. That means these instant blogs can become instant destroyers of your brand credibility and online presence. 

We’ll share the details here, so get ready for a quick, immersive jump into the land of AI-generated content. 

How Cutting-Edge AI Content Generators Work 

Technology has advanced rapidly in the last 50 years, and some people find it truly incredible that AI has so many abilities. A computer program that can generate human-like content in minutes feels like something straight out of 2001: A Space Odyssey. We don’t think AI can, or even should, replace human writers, but it’s true that the ability for computers to compile and create large amounts of data is no longer science fiction, so let’s talk about how top-notch AI content generators like chatGPT work.

AI generates text through natural language processing (NLP), the same programming used by virtual assistants, spellcheck, and chatbots. NLP analyzes sentence structure and word meanings, then uses algorithms to make sense of human language and recreate it.  

Talkative Bots Meet Extensive Knowledge

Some artificial intelligence uses the Large Learning Model. In this model, AI generators use massive datasets to train themselves on a variety of topics, studying the vocabulary within the databases they search. With this training and NLP, these systems can generate multiple paragraphs about a chosen topic.

The content derived from most AI content generators is easy to detect as non-human because of the simplicity, repetition, and bland tone of the writing. However, with enough training from these large datasets, AI can recreate in-depth content that mimics the writing within a specific industry or topic. 

How ChatGPT Is Trained

ChatGPT uses a model called InstructGPT, which incorporates human directions and feedback to create complex answers. Having the ability to take both human directions and feedback allows ChatGPT to pull data from its training and create content within the restraints of human prompts and word count. 

At first glance, using a tool like this seems brilliant. 2023 appears to show that AI content can be fast, automated, and succinct. You don’t have to worry about writer’s block, and you can create more content faster and at incredibly affordable prices. 

Seems too good to be true, right?

The Limits of AI Content: Unreliability and Plagiarism 

AI content is fast, and some bots like ChatGPT are good at writing paragraphs, but so much more is missing from this equation. To truly get the scope of AI content capabilities, we had our very own expert editor, Amber Morris, scout out the best bots.

Most AI content generators do not match the level of quality and depth needed to write a comprehensive blog. However, ChatGPT is currently the best artificial intelligence chatbot to ever be released, so our managing editor did her sleuthing there. Here is what she found: 

ChatGPT pulls responses very quickly, and it’s impressive given that it’s still in the early stages. However, the chatbot has simple thought processes and is very (very) repetitive. Some of its facts are incorrect as well. For example, I gave this prompt: “Write about BKA Content’s key values.”

ChatGPT’s Response:

“BKA Content is a content creation and marketing company that focuses on providing high-quality content to help businesses increase their online presence and reach their target audience. Their key values include a commitment to excellence, creativity, and innovation in all aspects of their work. They strive to provide their clients with engaging, informative, and well-written content that will help them stand out from their competitors and attract the attention of their target audience.”

Those aren’t any of our actual key values.

I wanted to see how specific the AI would go, so I asked it to “Write 375 words on why Matt Secrist should be the next president of the United States using the phrase “spreadsheet wizard.”

Look at part of the response:

“Overall, Matt Secrist’s expertise as a spreadsheet wizard makes him an excellent candidate for the role of President of the United States. His ability to use data to inform decisions and drive positive change would be a valuable asset in the White House, and would enable him to lead the country with vision, intelligence, and strategic thinking.”

This shows you how repetitive it is, though. The chatbot takes one point and won’t shut up about it. An editor would catch that.

Amber also used ChatGPT to write and talk about gluten-free content. Here is what the chatbot gave her:

ChatGPT response

This contains helpful information; however, note the repeated paragraphs in the next section. 

AI-Bot response

Full paragraphs are exactly the same in both queries, and the response offers only simple information about gluten.  

Amber reports: “This is interesting because the AI tool seems to pull from fundamental concepts only. Yes, people with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity should avoid gluten, but the only known treatment for EOE (an esophageal inflammatory disorder) is avoiding gluten. In people with Hashimoto’s (a thyroid disease), gluten can trigger inflammation.”

In other words, if someone used this AI content tool to write an article on who should avoid gluten, they would miss key information. Whereas, if someone put in the work to research the topic and write a blog about it, they would have a more comprehensive and truthful blog.

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Here at BKA Content, we treat clients like family. Get an affordable, human experience without compromising on content or quality.

Deeper Problems of AI-Generated Content

Even the most cutting-edge AIs are simple in content creation, but there are more problems with this kind of autogeneration. Bertalan Meskó, Director of the Medical Futurist Institute, wrote on LinkedIn:

Before you quickly lay off all your writers, let me show through a few examples of why trusting A.I. with content is dangerous as of now. TLDR spoiler: it is lying. All right, confabulating. Using alternative facts. 

We tested the most popular AI text generator tools, choosing a medical topic, where it is clear how these fabricated “facts” can be extremely dangerous. The topic pick was a recent breakthrough, where the number of publications is yet limited, so it is relatively easy to fact-check the AI-generated outputs.

The results included false claims, untrue connections to doctors and research, incorrect dates, and fabricated results. 

So why does AI lie? There isn’t any inherent malice behind it – AI doesn’t secretly want to take over the world; rather, it is limited in its ability to recreate completely human expertise and creativity. These generators use large databases to spin words and facts around in a way that doesn’t plagiarize existing sources and makes logical sense. 

However, there is no guaranteed way for AI bots to detect the truth. They take from databases, but they can’t differentiate between what is false and what is true. Strung-together sentences may be eloquent and impressive, but if they are not accurate, they become misinformation that can lead to serious harm. 

AIs can always improve. According to the newest update, the InstructGPT Language Model is “less inclined to produce misinformation,” yet this implies that misinformation is and will continue to be produced by AI content generators. Can your business risk that? 

Google Is Shutting Down AI Content

As the leading search engine in the world, Google is very strict on spam policies and content guidelines when ranking content. This is what allows users to get the most relevant content on the first page and why marketers are scrambling every year to keep up with Google’s guidelines. So if AI writers are getting docked, you should know that before you even consider implementing them in your content marketing strategy. 

Search Engine Journal wrote an article on John Mueller’s response to AI-generated content. As Google’s Search Advocate, Mueller knows exactly what is needed to rank well. He stated: 

For us these would, essentially, still fall into the category of automatically generated content which is something we’ve had in the Webmaster Guidelines since almost the beginning.

And people have been automatically generating content in lots of different ways. And for us, if you’re using machine learning tools to generate your content, it’s essentially the same as if you’re just shuffling words around, or looking up synonyms, or doing the translation tricks that people used to do. Those kind of things.

My suspicion is maybe the quality of content is a little bit better than the really old school tools, but for us it’s still automatically generated content, and that means for us it’s still against the Webmaster Guidelines. So we would consider that to be spam.

Google spam policies include spammy, automatically generated content, machine-generated content, user-generated spam, and fraud. At the moment, even the most cutting-edge AI generators are detectable by the search engine, and researchers at Google have been creating successful AI-detecting algorithms for years. Although new AIs will likely be developed that become even better at creating content, Google will continue improving its algorithms to accommodate future AI-generated content. 

Neil Patel, another industry expert, did his own experiment using AI blogs to see if they rank on the SERPS after Google’s latest spam update. He reported data on 100 AI-driven sites that receive at least 3,000 visitors a month. He concluded:

From what we are seeing, the majority of this update focused on content, meta tags, and keyword stuffing. It doesn’t mean Google didn’t look at other factors such as links or duplicative content, but we saw the biggest patterns related to the factors I mentioned above and AI-generated content.

If you want to do well in the long run focus on the user, it really is the way to win. In the short run, you may not come ahead but in the long run, you will.

Patel proved that Google’s algorithm does spot AI content and does affect rankings. Dozens of marketing industry experts also urge against the use of AI-generated content, remarking on the unreliability of AI, the effects of Google rankings, and, ultimately, the missing human factors that are missing in AI writing.

It’s Up To Us (and Google)

As the popularity of AI bots grows, it’s important to keep in mind the ethical responsibilities you have as a marketer. The content you provide for readers should be accurate, comprehensive, and trustworthy. This requires that human touch. 

Besides, art and writing have always been key parts of humanity. They are forms of expression, and if we handed that over to AI generators, what does that say about what we value? 

If AI content is alluring because of price and efficiency, you’re not looking in the right place. BKA Content is a company that offers affordable, quality content made by humans for humans. We take pride in the content we create, but we are also known for the human values we represent. 

As you develop your content strategy this year, put responsibility and honesty at the forefront. As a result, you will rank better on Google, and your readers will get the most out of your content. 

We Are Human Writers With the Human Touch

BKA Content is one of the top content-writing businesses in the industry. We offer affordable, original content catered to your needs. The best part is: We are (human) SEO experts!


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By: Charlotte Secrist
Title: AI Content Exposed: The Truth Behind AI Bots in 2023
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Published Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2023 01:10:57 +0000

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  • Walter Acosta

    Walter Acosta is a blogger. His primary interests are in digital marketing and content creation and curation. Acosta Walter

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About the Author: Walter Acosta

Walter Acosta is a blogger. His primary interests are in digital marketing and content creation and curation.