Millennials on Social Media Stats

The millennial generation is one of the biggest demographics on social media. Not only are they a large part of the US population, but they’re also global. This generation is constantly connected to the world, and they’re constantly complaining about the time that social media is stealing from them.

Millennials are the largest demographic on social media

Millennials are among the most active users of social networks. More than 90 percent of US millennials have at least one social media account. Facebook, which was founded by a millennial, is the largest social network. The number of users of Instagram is nearly half as large as that of Facebook. However, both are still growing.

Social media is a vital part of marketing to millennials. It is imperative that marketers identify their target audience, define their brand guidelines and plan the content that will be promoted. The more consistent your brand is across the platforms, the better chance you’ll have of reaching your audience.

Millennials are the largest generation in the world. They are the most likely to make unplanned purchases based on a social media ad. Additionally, more than half have suffered from FOMO, the fear of missing out on an experience. These statistics prove that millennials must be targeted for marketing and advertising. Getting them to “like” your brand is not enough, you need a strategy that reflects their interests.

Millennials are also the most likely to own a smartphone. They use their smartphones to check their bank balances, read news, and watch videos. As a group, they spend an average of two hours a day on social media. Unlike Baby Boomers, millennials are less likely to be unemployed.

As a result, social media is a powerful tool for brands. It’s also one of the most cost-effective forms of advertising. Businesses can target ads to audiences based on website visitors, location and interests. That way, people are more likely to respond to their ads. In addition, 72% of millennials say they like to hear from brands on social media and 55% of them follow these brands.

They prefer long-form content

Long-form content is the best way to capture the attention of millennials on social media. This type of content typically contains between twelve and two thousand words. It offers more value to your readers than a quick one-page article. It’s also more likely to be shared on social media.

While millennials are savvy consumers who are used to being bombarded by news and information, they still prefer long-form content to short, clickbait content. However, this does not mean that millennials will only share clickbait articles. In fact, many of them have shown a preference for long-form content, as evidenced by the success of sites such as Medium, Wait But Why, and Serial.

They trust influencers

According to a recent study by Morning Consult, millennials and Gen Zers are increasingly trusting of influencers. They are more likely to purchase products based on recommendations from influencers than from news sources or celebrities. In fact, nearly a quarter of Gen Z females cite influencers as their primary way of learning about new products.

The survey revealed that millennials and Gen Z are twice as likely to buy products after hearing about them from an influencer compared to Baby Boomers. Gen Z consumers are also twice as likely to purchase a product based on a post by someone they follow on social media. Millennials and Gen Z use YouTube to find and follow influencers, while Baby Boomers prefer Facebook and TikTok.

Millennials and Gen Z are also more likely to trust influencers on social media. While Baby Boomers are less likely to trust influencers, a majority of them (54%) follow retail social media accounts. Millennials are also more likely to trust video creators than traditional public figures.

Brands can use the power of influencers to boost their brand’s presence on social media. They can tap into the expertise of experienced content creators to create video content that resonates with millennials. Video is the best way to learn about a product, and live video allows viewers to ask questions. Millennials do not like ads and prefer to see a video from a trusted content creator.

Millennials trust influencers who have a similar taste and interest as them. They also value influencers who are involved in social activism and make the world a better place. In a recent study, Millennials trust influencers on social media with a high degree of confidence. Moreover, Millennials are more likely to buy a product if it is recommended by an influencer with a high number of followers.

They prefer video

In recent years, visual experiences have gained importance on social media, especially for Gen Z users. They have moved away from the highly curated aesthetics of Millennials, and are more likely to engage with content that feels more real. Videos offer a more varied experience and allow users to de-stress. Furthermore, Gen Zers are a digitally native group, meaning they prefer to interact with brands through videos. Gen Zers also prefer to view video content on mobile devices, so brands should focus on mobile-friendly ads and content.

YouTube is the most popular video service among millennials, with nearly a third (34%) preferring video to traditional television. The vast majority of millennials also use their second screens to watch videos, which means the amount of time spent watching television may be on the decline. The study also found that Millennials are more likely to binge-watch videos, with 37% of millennials binging-watching on a daily basis versus 14% of older viewers.

Despite this tendency, millennials do trust brands and businesses, while Gen Zers only trust brands with 42% of the time. However, millennials differ from Gen Z when it comes to the types of content they watch. For both groups, comedy is the most popular genre, with 59% of millennials and Gen Zers watching it weekly. Drama, news and food/cooking videos are popular with the latter generation.

Video is the future of social media. Eighty percent of web audiences watch video on the web, and millennials watch video on the web more than any other age group. According to the study, video content on social media is more engaging than content without videos. The content should be relevant to the viewer, as well as be in context.

They expect fast and friendly customer service

Millennials are the largest generation in the world and hold a tremendous amount of purchasing power. They grew up alongside the rise of technology and are highly social consumers. They like to leave comments on social media and expect companies to respond quickly. They also want to be treated with a personal touch. This generation has become accustomed to instant gratification thanks to the boom in communication technologies. It is therefore no surprise that Millennials expect fast and friendly customer service through social media.

Millennials and Gen-Z have distinct preferences when it comes to customer service. While Millennials grew up being treated with kindness and loyalty, Gen-Zers have become more skeptical of customer service. They are more likely to voice their displeasure or express their frustration on social media. In addition, this generation has more social media presence than any other generation, and they expect the same level of service from companies.

Gen-Z is an entirely different breed of digital native. They are used to using technology in all areas of their lives, including social media. They are used to using smart screens and online shopping. While they are comfortable using digital platforms, they still value face-to-face interactions, and are more likely to make a purchase in person than through a website.

Millennials and Gen-Z are much more demanding than previous generations. They are looking for companies who are responsive and that can fix their problems quickly. If a company fails to meet these demands, they will face negative feedback and even negative reviews.


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About the Author: Walter Acosta

Walter Acosta is a blogger. His primary interests are in digital marketing and content creation and curation.