Email Marketing Strategies That Work

In order to create email marketing strategies that work, you need to make sure your email messages are relevant and customized to the people who read them. This can be done using Personalization, Segmentation, Time zones, and images. Automating your emails is one of the best ways to do this. This will allow you to focus on what really matters to your customers.


In email marketing strategies, personalization is an important aspect. By using information from previous purchases, marketers can target customers with emails that are more relevant to them. For example, a customer who regularly purchases sports shoes may receive emails highlighting new sports shoe models. Similarly, a user who frequently logs into social media will receive updates on new products and services. Personalization can increase customer loyalty.

Email personalization is not difficult to implement. Simply include the first name of your recipient in the subject line of your email. This will make your message more memorable in a crowded inbox and increase the open rate. Additionally, personalizing the call-to-action CTA is also a great way to increase click-through and conversion rates. You can also take email personalization one step further by grouping your contacts into segments. This will help you tailor your email experience to the different types of subscribers.

Personalization is also possible without using data. By personalizing the message, marketers can soften the edge of big business and create a personal connection with their audience. HubSpot, for example, conducted a study to see if making emails more personalized could increase customer engagement. The company sent two types of emails: one from the company and another from the marketing department. The test results were impressive, and they showed that email personalization was an effective way to increase engagement.

Email personalization is an essential part of email marketing strategies, especially if your customers are using multiple devices. Personalizing the message in email makes the customer feel that you are speaking directly to them. It can make a difference in converting leads into customers and creating brand advocates. Moreover, it’s easy to implement if you use marketing automation software.


One of the most effective strategies for email marketing is to segment your audience. You can do this by using certain types of data such as demographics, age, gender, and location. Another useful type of data to use is behavior. By using a download form or survey, you can collect data about your clients’ habits.

By segmenting your email list, you can offer more personalized content and increase engagement rates. Research shows that email subscribers who receive personalized emails are more likely to buy your products. This strategy has proven to increase revenue by as much as 760 percent. Knowing your subscribers’ demographics and interests allows you to customize your content to the individual needs of each segment. In fact, many marketers are already breaking their email lists down into smaller segments, which increases their chances of conversion.

Besides geographic location, another useful segmentation strategy involves language and country. Some brands will send a different type of correspondence to each segment. In this way, you can increase your customer lifetime value by making tailored messages for different types of customers. In many cases, a satisfied customer will buy the same product or service again.

The next step in email segmentation is to look for patterns in your customer behavior. For example, if your customers usually buy a certain product every three months, you may want to remind them with an email that offers a discount. This is known as microsegmentation. If you sell sports apparel, you can segment your customers by their favorite sport. Similarly, customers who purchase yoga apparel are more likely to open an email with a yoga-specific offer.

While this may sound complicated, it’s an effective way to deliver customized content to your subscribers. Depending on the email service provider, you may also want to use an email service that allows you to collect first-party data about your customers. This data will help you fine-tune your messages and get your customers excited about your emails.

Time zones

Time zones are an important consideration when it comes to email marketing strategies. Different time zones affect the open and click rate of emails. Depending on the type of email and the content, time zone management can be crucial to the success of your campaign. For example, if your campaign is focused on time-sensitive promotions, sending an email at the same time as the recipient’s time zone can help you increase your open and click rate. In addition, a timely email will also build your brand reputation.

While time zone management is an important aspect of an email marketing strategy, it can be complex and time-consuming. Even though it can increase open rates and click rates, time zone management requires a good deal of time and effort. Fortunately, many email service providers offer time zone management features. These features can be a big advantage to businesses that have an international audience and do not have the resources to implement them on their own.

Using time zone-based timing can help you reach a global audience. For example, if your campaign is sent out at 7 a.m. in New York, it will land in the New York audience’s inbox at 7 a.m. If your campaign is sent out at the same time in San Francisco, Sydney, or any other city, it will arrive in their inbox at the same time.

Sending emails across multiple time zones is a tricky task, especially when the audience is global. For example, a company in Austria may send an email at 3:00 p.m. Austrian time, which is a perfect fit for its subscribers in the same time zone. If, however, it’s sent to a UK audience at 11pm, it will end up in a London inbox at 3:00 AM. The UK subscriber will most likely have finished their emails for the day and will not check it until the next morning. Furthermore, the email might be lost in the pile of other emails in the inbox.


Images are one of the most important aspects of an email marketing strategy. Images enhance the message of an email, capturing the attention of readers and driving them to an e-commerce site. According to research, 52 percent of marketers consider visuals to be very important for their emails. Additionally, 9.4 percent believe their strategy would be meaningless without visuals. With these facts in mind, it’s almost impossible to imagine sending an e-commerce email without images.

However, images should be used carefully. They should be small in size, because large images take longer to load and can negatively affect the user experience. If a reader is annoyed or frustrated by a long loading image, they may delete the email. Broken images may also be considered spam by recipients, so it’s important to use images in moderation. The file size of your images should be around 200 x 600 pixels, depending on the device your email is being sent to.

While adding images to email campaigns can enhance your campaign’s success, it can also be a cause for concern for some subscribers. Large images slow down email download speeds, and they clog up your media library with unnecessary file space. MailChimp recommends avoiding large images in emails. However, these are not the only ways to avoid the dangers of using images in email campaigns.

While it is possible to include images in email marketing campaigns, choosing the right size for each individual email is a tricky process. First, remember that the resolution of the mobile device is much lower than that of a desktop or laptop. A smartphone’s screen resolution is around 450 pixels, so choosing a size that will fit within that resolution is vital.


When using a CTA, it’s crucial to follow a natural progression. You can achieve this by using your brand values and addressing your readers in the first person. This will make your CTA more relatable to your readers and give them a sense of control. A good email marketing software program will allow you to test your CTA to make sure it works for your audience.

In addition to having compelling CTAs, your email should have content relevant to your niche. For example, if you’re an eCommerce retailer, your mails should incite your customers to grab your offers. You can use various CTAs to increase conversion rates, such as a FOMO or a sense of urgency.

The CTA can be either a button or a hypertext link that directs readers to the desired action. By incorporating a CTA into your email marketing strategy, you can enhance the effectiveness of your marketing campaign and increase your conversion rates. However, it’s important to know that this technique is not easy to implement, so experiment with it to ensure you get the best results.

The call to action button is an eye-catching, high-quality element in an email. It’s difficult to ignore. Make sure your CTA is large enough so that it communicates its importance. However, don’t let it take away the integrity of your email. Olark’s CTA is very large, yet it doesn’t detract from the quality of your email.

The size and color of your CTA depends on how you want to display it. It should not be too small or large, and it should match the rest of the message. It’s also essential to use white space around it so that it’s more prominent.


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About the Author: Walter Acosta

Walter Acosta is a blogger. His primary interests are in digital marketing and content creation and curation.